If you prefer to call us directly and want to see a counsellor, please call and we will book an appointment time for you.
PAARC is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays, except for Wednesdays, when we are open from 12:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Our phone number is (905) 629-1007.
Our main office is at 5170 Dixie Road, Suite 302, Mississauga. We are on the northwest corner of Dixie Road and Aimco Boulevard. This is our mailing address:
Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre
5170 Dixie Road, Suite 302
Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3
Fax: 905-629-8377
The phone number for our Back on Track program is (905) 629-4927.
We have an office in Bolton which is open, by appointment, on Fridays only. We also have locations in Brampton and west Mississauga, where some of our programs are located. Many of PAARC’s programs work in the community and can meet clients at a mutually agreeable, safe location that provides necessary privacy.
At the request of other professionals, PAARC may see clients in hospitals or other healthcare settings, depending on the availability of our counsellors.
Key Contacts:
Clinical Intake Worker — (905) 629-1007, extension 222
Privacy Officer – (905) 629-1007, extension 226
Student Placement Coordinator – (905) 629-1007, extension 260
Joint Health and Safety Committee, Management Representative – (905) 629-1007, extension 223
PAARC strives to make its services and locations accessible to everyone. All of our locations are wheelchair accessible and welcome service animals. If you need help to access our services, please call (905) 629-1007, extension ‘0’ or extension ‘227’ and tell us how we can help you.
If you require help navigating this website, you have several options available to you. For help with language, use the Google translation tools at Language Tools. (Please note: We make no claim to the accuracy of Google’s translation service.)
If you require services in a language other than English or French, please let us know. We will help you determine what resources are available to you. Some of these resources have a cost.
If you require help with text size, and if you have a ‘wheel mouse’ and are using Internet Explorer or Firefox, try holding down the “Control (ctrl)” key and scroll the wheel back and forth to adjust text size.
If you require information in a different format, please call us at (905) 629-1007, extension 227 and we will do our best to meet your needs.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Your privacy and confidentiality is important to us. When you first contact us, and at several points during your care with us, you will hear a lot about confidentiality and privacy. We are obligated to protect your personal health information, and will only release information with your informed consent. You can withdraw that consent at any time, but please remember that information already released with your consent cannot be taken back. We have obligations under the law to release information, even without your consent, in situations where you or someone else is determined to at significant risk. These exceptions will be explained to you when you call or visit us, and you are encouraged to ask questions to ensure that you fully understand. Your information is stored in a locked cabinet. We enter information electronically about you in a protected database that is very secure, and only workers who are directly involved in your care have access to your electronic file.
When you visit PAARC’s offices for individual counselling sessions, you are taken into a private counselling office. If we see you in your home environment, we want to know if there are other people in your home so that we can determine the degree of privacy available. If we see you in the community, we will strive to find a location that is safe and as private as possible.
If you have any concerns about your privacy or confidentiality at PAARC, please contact our Privacy Officer, at (905) 629-1007, extension 226.
PAARC adheres to policies that guide how and to whom you can provide compliments, concerns and complaints about our services, about staff employed by PAARC or those who represent PAARC (for example, consultants and students.) Your feedback is important to us. Whether a compliment, a concern or a complaint, we use the feedback to recognize staff for their accomplishments and to learn how we can improve the quality of our services.
PAARC accepts compliments, concerns and complaints in writing or verbally. Our Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Form is available on our website (click here). It is also available at any of our office locations and conveniently included in the Client Welcome Package.
To submit written feedback, the Compliments, Concerns and Complaints Form can be deposited in one of our secured feedback boxes located at our Dixie office and our Argentia office.
Forms can also be mailed to:
Attention: Executive Director
5170 Dixie Road, Suite 302
Mississauga, ON L4W 1E3
Clients or members of the public may also choose to submit a compliment, a concern, or a complaint verbally to a clinical supervisor by calling 905-629-1007, and asking for an available supervisor. If a supervisor is not immediately available, please leave a message and a supervisor will return your call within 48 hours.
In the event that the complaint is about a clinical supervisor, the Executive Director will receive the complaint at 905-629-1007 by requesting to speak with the Executive Director. In the event that a complaint is made against the Executive Director, the Chair of PAARC’s Board of Directors receives the complaint at
The decision to file a complaint may be a difficult one when the complaint pertains to illegal practices, professional misconduct, incompetence, violation of PAARC’s policies or when the complaint is about a person. PAARC treats all complaints with sensitivity. PAARC protects the right of an individual to complain in good-faith and will not retaliate against the individual. PAARC also protects the confidentiality of individuals who make good-faith reports in accordance with requirements of the law. PAARC honours your right to have a person of your choice to support you through the complaint process. All PAARC staff are obligated to bring complaints forward in accordance with this policy.
Feedback, both verbal and written, can be submitted anonymously; however, this may prevent a full investigation, resulting in an inability to respond to the complainant or resolve the issue. We review all compliments and concerns and act on them accordingly.
- Upon receipt of a formal complaint, PAARC will acknowledge the complainant in writing or via telephone (based on the information provided by the complainant) and an investigation initiated within 15 business days.
- If complaints are made anonymously or contact information is not provided, PAARC will not be able to formally acknowledge receipt of the complaint.
- PAARC endeavours to complete an investigation within 30 business days. Complaints that are more complex in nature may require the involvement of outside professionals which may extend the time it will take to close an investigation.
- Complainants have the right to have their complaint reviewed and redressed without fear of embarrassment or reprisal.
- If the complaint is about a PAARC staff, the staff person being complained about has the right to be informed of allegations, to be afforded the opportunity to respond to them and to have the nature and validity of the complaint assessed fairly.
- Following the closure of an investigation and the completion of a report, appropriate information about the outcome of the investigation will be provided to the complainant. PAARC is obligated to maintain the privacy of any staff involved in accordance with the law.
- All complaints are reported to the Board of Directors on at least a quarterly basis by the Executive Director, and the Board of Directors monitors the resolution of the complaint.
How to Provide Feedback
Funding Partners
Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network
Central West Local Health Integration Network (through partner agencies)
Region of Peel
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
We are accredited by: