PAARC’s Strategic Success Factors for 2018/19 – 2020/21
- People and Teams – PAARC recruits and retains good people who embody our values, and empower our teams through professional development and training opportunities.
- Client Experience – PAARC ensures our clients feel safe, welcome and heard. We are person-centric and collaborative with our clients to define their success and set plans.
- Stakeholder Engagement – PAARC build connections and drives integration in our community by having open dialogue, working together and sharing ideas.
- Innovation and Capacity – PAARC identifies and responds to underserved needs in our communities by broadening our offerings. We proactively provide education and innovate to promote health.
- Demonstrated Results – PAARC strives to define and maintain clear, defined measures of success, driving efficiencies and value for our clients and communities.